Our Vision

Technology marches on, the number of devices that we interact with is ever increasing and the number of platforms that they run seems to be exploding. As the ubiquity of computing expands it becomes even more important to ensure that your products and solutions are presented to end users on their preferred device in a way that is familiar to them.

Unfortunately this makes the work of a software development team more difficult with each year. Manufacturers push their own platforms and write tools in their own programming languages. As a result providing the perfect user experience is almost prohibitively expensive for small companies who cannot afford the licensing or time required to deliver on all these platforms.

The Fyne project is based around the premise that it should be free and simple to develop an application that can run on all platforms without modification or adaptation. Fyne apps are installed like regular applications on all platforms and deliver great performance and solid user experience. We are targeting the nirvana of cross-platform native application development.


Making this happen

We believe that graphical applications should be easy to develop and work across all operating systems. Additionally we feel that an open source approach is a requirement of a new technological foundation, ensuring that it remains free and open forever.

Fyne aims to be the best Toolkit for developing beautiful and usable native graphical applications for desktop, mobile and beyond.

Building cross platform graphical applications is complicated and difficult to learn. The technologies involved are old and therefore carry with them legacy design choices. Our solution is based on new technologies, best practices and is taking the opportunity to shed legacy requirements and constraints. This enables us to support easy to build apps with great user experience that are also fun to develop and easy to maintain.


Supporting the project

The Fyne project, framework and related apps are all developed and supported by our excellent team of volunteers and the community. We are very grateful to everyone who has contributed to the success of the project, we could not have achieved so much without their involvement.

To support the continued growth of our community and provide ongoing feature development improvements we continue to ask for donations to the project. With your support we will be able grow the infrastructure that underpins our services as well as paying for developers, designers and the support team to continue to provide the same great product and service as we grow.

If you would like to get involved please head over to our contribution page, sign up as a GitHub sponsor or consider donating directly to the project.

Thank you so much for your interest and support of the Fyne project.