The latest news from the Fyne community
2 Drivers and other Statistics
Nov 29, 2018
As GitHub recently emailed me with congratulations on 500 commits in Fyne I thought it was time for a quick review of statistics… The project has been under way now for 9 months and we have come a long way from the initial idea. In fact we have:
- 500 Commits
- 215 Star gazers
- 13 Forks
- 4 Contributors
- 2 Drivers
What a few months it’s been! Yes the project is gaining momentum and we’re seeing cool new example apps - but the biggest news is the additional driver. We now have a fully functioning OpenGL based driver that can replace the EFL dependency.
If you don’t have EFL installed and/or can’t get it set up then we finally have an alternative. The new driver can be activated using the “gl” tag on any go run or build command for any Fyne based application
go run -tags gl .
This new driver has no external library dependencies which makes it far more portable. Applications built with this new driver will run happily on a different computer to the one it was built on.
Please give it a shot and raise any issues you find - this is going to be a fun new chapter in the Fyne story!

- Older
- Newer
- February 11, 2025
Fyne v2.6 alpha1
- November 15, 2023
FyneConf Hybrid Fun - September 18, 2023
v2.4 bumper release - May 19, 2023
2.4 release teasers - April 14, 2023
20k Stargazers!
- December 24, 2022
A fresh new look, richer text and cloud integration delivers Christmas cheer! - July 3, 2022
v2.2 adds System Tray, App.Metadata and a preview of web driver
- September 21, 2021
v2.1 for RichText and DocTabs goodness :) - March 23, 2021
Announcing FyneDesk v0.2 - January 27, 2021
Fyne Book Published - January 25, 2021
Introducing Fyne v2.0.0
- December 14, 2020
fyne-cross v1 Released - November 1, 2020
v1.4 Released - June 5, 2020
v1.3 Released - May 20, 2020
Thank You Sponsors! - April 6, 2020
Updated Release Schedule - February 20, 2020
Now on GitHub Sponsors - February 10, 2020
Build an App in Just Hours (not Days or Weeks) - January 3, 2020
What a Fyne Year!
- December 13, 2019
1.2 Mobile Support - August 2, 2019
Fyne Goes Mobile - June 21, 2019
v1.1 Released - April 20, 2019
v1.0.1 Released - March 20, 2019
First Major Release - March 19, 2019
Building a Cross Platform GUI with Go
- November 29, 2018
2 Drivers and other Statistics - October 10, 2018
100 Stargazers - August 19, 2018
Running on Gemini - July 12, 2018
Drawing a Desktop - June 26, 2018
Fun with Fractals: Multithreading for Free! - March 24, 2018
Looking for Contributors - March 2, 2018
Platform Trifecta - February 17, 2018
The First 10 Days of Fyne
Get In Touch!
We're excited to hear from anyone interested in the project. Whether it's to find out more, provide suggestions or to get involved - drop us a line!
If you would like to join the community for a chat you'll find us in the #fyne channel on gophers Slack or on our Discord server. If you are not already a member of the communities you can use a Slack invite or Discord invite.